The Name Of Jesus - Silhouette of Christian Cross | Nashville Christian Family Magazine - September 2024 issue

John 3:16: ENJOY…the sweetest promise.

For God loves His creation SO MUCH…that God’s only begotten Son was given…and whoever believes in the Son…will not perish…BUT…will be granted everlasting life. Think about that eternal promise TODAY. Let that promise give us strength…encouragement…assurance…peace of mind…confidence…and the ability to face any challenges that come our way during TODAY.


Lord Jesus, thank You for accepting the Mission…and for the joy…You completed that Mission… because Your love is Absolute. You are calling us to action TODAY. We are to believe the promise…to respond to it in faith…welcome the Spirit to do the rest…by accepting Your gift of love…knowing that we never earned it. Your promise is the sweetest…and the best that we could ever know. THANK YOU. THANK YOU. AMEN.

Ralph E. Vaughn

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